This is one hell of a masterpiece by the Master of Thrillers, Alfred Hitchcock.
Plot summary:
Marion Crane works at a Real Estate Office in Arizona. She has a sister named Lila and a boyfriend named Sam. She wants to marry Sam, but the two do not have enough money, since Sam is still paying off his ex-wife's alimony, and she has a small job at Lowery's office. One Friday, December the eleventh, Mr. Cassidy, a rich oil tycoon, comes to the office to give Lowery $40,000 to buy a house for his daughter's wedding present. Lowery asks Marion to deposit the cash and she said she would. Instead, she packs up and heads for Fairvale to see Sam, with the money in her purse. She ends up at the Bates Motel where she meets Norman Bates, a troubled young man who seems to be obsessed with his Mother. After Norman fixed Marion dinner,they had a little chat and she goes back to her room for a shower. She was murdered halfway through the shower by a shadow of an old woman holding a large kitchen knife. This led to investigations carried out to find out who killed her by a private detective, Lila Crane and Sam.
IMDB rating: 8.7/10 (#23 on IMDB Top 250)
Nominated for 4 Oscars
Dupped Hitchcock's best film ever.
To fully appreciate this film, u guys have to appreciate the soundtrack he uses to create the intensity if a scene or to build up to a subsequent scene. Also take notice of the motifs that appears in the film. Every scene in the film has some clues to what will happen after that scene. Take note of these clues and try to figure it out.
This film is a must see for thriller fans and for those who love unexpected twists in the plot.
Recommend u guys to check it out.